Monday 15 November 2010

Trailer Inspiration

The two above films were my inspiration for my trailer as they both provide a documentary style horror that mine film ultimately supplies to the audience too.

Poster Inspiration

These posters are my main inspiration for my poster for the film as I want every form of the film's marketing to coincide with one another. For example, the element of the trailer where the only thing we see is the girl is what I want with the same lighting for my poster. The contrast, lighting and colouring for the poster will be key when I'm developing it.

Friday 12 November 2010

Untraceable Website

This is the initial home page you are brought to for the film 'Untraceable'. The film is based on a website that the more the public watch, the faster the people in the videos on the website are killed. By making the website seem so realistic, it is bringing fantasy and reality closer together. Horror films are most importantly trying to draw fear out of their audience; this is the reaction producers are looking for. The fear of horror is usually stemmed from the realism of the film; if a film is too far fetched it may become less scary to the audience.

The Eye Poster Analysis

The simpleness of the poster makes this very effective. It is a common convention of horror promotional poster to be very simple with the attention only on one or two focal images. Here, for example, it is the hand and the eye. The hand coming out of the eye plays on the human fear and squeamish feeling that may come with eyes. Ommetaphobia is the fear of eyes so this is what the poster taps into.

Wednesday 10 November 2010


I have now filmed my footage which only takes up a small percentage of the trailer. Speech is used in my trailer more instead. When editing the trailer, I'll be using iMovie.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Empire Magazine Analysis

This magazine would have also increased in sales due to sensationalism following Heath Ledger's death in the same month as the magazine's release.

Realism of Paranormal Activity

When looking at the film Paranormal Activity, this is so realistically filmed that more fear and suspense is added to the film due to the verisimilitude created. It is entirely filmed with a hand held camera and the added fear comes from the fact that audience will find it could be realistic in their own homes. The clip that follows the link is the most poignant and talked about part of the film.