Wednesday 8 December 2010


For my film magazine, I needed to decide on the name and I ended up with three left - Realm, Matter and Notice. When I asked my focus group what they thought 3 out of the 4 said Realm was best. Harriet said 'Notice' sounded silly as it seemed as though you were asking for attention too much. Poppy thought 'Realm' was the best as it is rather unique and the meaning of the word is good. Holly said that 'Matter' would sound more like a science magazine.

Once Realm was decided on as my film magazine name, I wanted to ensure that the font I chose went well with the magazine as well as the name. I ask my focus group to number the five below fonts 1-5 in order of preference (1 being the favourite and 5 the least favourite). Although this is the order of preference according to my focus group, I am still undecided on my font.

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